1) a set of bodies:
a) Governing Board (GB), is the principal decision-making body of the Coordination Action and comprises all Contractors;
b) Executive Board (EB), is the implementation supervising body and comprise the Work Packages Leaders;
c) Contractual and Administrative Team, dedicated to the contractual aspects management;
2) a set of management persons:
d) Action Coordinator, the person that manages the interactions with EC and chairs the Governing Board;
e) Technical Coordinator, the person that supervises the coordination activities and chairs the Executive Board;
f) Work Package Leaders, the supervisors of the Work Packages.
In the frame of the project management, a set of European liaisons will be established to reinforce the action at European level; for instance the largest community on Antennas&Propagation will be involved, together with other major FP7 projects and COST actions. These liaisons are expected to give life to joint events, widen meeting participation, enhance cross fertilisation.