About EurAAP |
The European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) has been
created by the European Network of Excellence "Antenna Centre of Excellence - ACE" (see www.ist-ace.org),
as planned in the ACE Joint program of Activities.
In 2006, EurAAP AISBL has been registered as a non-profit organisation based in Brussels and
started its activity by launching the first European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2006.
The aim of the Association is to maintain and develop, on a non-profit basis, the European activities created by
the ACE Network of Excellence. EurAAP initial objectives can be listed as follows:
Organizing European Conferences and in particular the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
as well as European workshops and all associated events
Perpetuate the existence of the European project "Antennas Virtual Centre of Excellence - VCE"
Supporting European Schools and Master & PhD programmes on antennas and propagation
Circulating and exchanging information among European scientists and engineers on antennas and
propagation, creating an European Network